Consignment Sales

Top 12 Reasons to Sell Your Used Harpejji

We don't give you any hassle or problems.

We fix anything that is broken, within reason, free of charge.

We replace the strings and polish the frets, free of charge.

We give the instrument a fresh set up (action, intonation, volume balancing, tune-up), free of charge.

We replace any missing accessories, free of charge.

We offer a 10 Year Limited Warranty, free of charge.

We take beautiful photos of your harpejji.

We have the buyers! 20,000+ email subscribers, 50,000+ Facebook fans, etc.

Customers are willing to pay more to purchase it from the manufacturer, for the full support.

We sell it quickly!

We offer financing options to the customer.

We handle the export paperwork if the sale is international.

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